Happy stitching
Thursday, December 11, 2008
New works
Happy stitching
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Lace cleaning
I cam back. I have had few health issues that don't gone, but I can write few notes.
This time wasn't lost for me. I was check out few sites on Internet and sort all my supplies.
And I found that
1. I have too much laces and buttons for all my life.
2. I need to clean few of my laces.
I found this great old tutorials for lace cleaning . I try them out with and they was great.
You need lace, washing powder ( soap), glass bottle and basin (or any container for soap water bigger then bottle) hot water.
1. Wrap lace around the bottle and stitch the ends together with thread.
2. Put hot water and washing powder (stain remover optional) in the basin and put bottle inside.
3. Waite for few hours. On this stage I was rub lace very gentele with my hand. Rinse lace very well and check them. If you pleased with results let it dry on the bottle , if you not go to the step 1 and do a new soap water.
For few very old and very dirty pieces of hand embroidery I did for 3 days. Change a water 4-5 times. It was worth it. I even wasn't need to irone it.
And if somebody want lace or button's for sale or swap let me know in the comments.
Happy stitching.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Button decoration
2. I found this week in the local story the grab bag with folded roses and strange sparkly embellishments (flowers, butterflies bugs). I was need a roses, so I bought this bag. This things was doing from unknown sparkly stuff on the fabric interface. At home I glued them on the buttons with clear strong glue. (like E600). I try to use a fabric glue for the wrapped buttons but it don't work so well for me.
3. And The lovely last try. I glued the gold foil under clear plastic buttons. I use the foil glue according to the instructions on the bottle. But use the candy foil instead of expensive antic one. If you don't want to put the foil on the block you can sew other button under one with a foil. the hols I did with a toothpick.
It was fun, but I still have to much buttons for me. I will be happy to sell few and get a money for new ones. You can see them on my Flickr. If you want to buy something just leave me a comment , please . And I will answer to you as soon as I can.
Happy stithching
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Desert pictures
I am finished my Passover cleaning and cam back to Blogging.
During the days before passover I was with my small son in The Ben-Gurion Heritage Institute. It's only 1 hour from my town. And I can't resist before these great landscapes. I love desert and have a beautiful view from my window but this pictures was amazing. I fixed them with Picnik. They are ready for lanscape quilt.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
More ATC
It was so easy and fun that after swap in my CQForNewbies group I did few ATC more.
I did this ATC for CYBER FYBER, an international exhibition scheduled from January 8th through 20th, 2009 at Gallery 80808, 808 Lady Street in downtown Columbia, South Carolina.
You can see more here And those i did for INTERNATIONAL RANDOM ATC TRADE.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Good news
Sunday, March 16, 2008
More about buttons
Happy stitching!
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Spring button cleaning
I start a spring cleaning for this year. It's early but I start from my buttons. I check my buttons for ATC and fount that lot of them wasn't so pretty that I want.
In one old book I found that I can clean them with pastry from white flour and vinegar.
It's work !!!!
I take a spoon of flour and few drops of vinegar, just to receive a pastry that I can work with. And clean my metal buttons with this pastry . I used a small soft brush. After this I clean my buttons (and other metal things too) with warm water ant dry in soft cloth. They are shining so pretty now. Unfortunately I can take a good pictures.
This cleaning don't clean out a patina .
Pastry still good for work with for long time. (Few hours )
Happy cleaning.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Sunday, March 2, 2008
I have been tagged by Rengin . Thank you very much Rengin!
I think it is time to play along.
Here are the rules:
1. When tagged place the name and URL on your blog.
2. Post rules on your blog.
3. Write 7 things about yourself.
4. Name 7 of your favorite blogs.
5. Send an email letting those bloggers know they have been tagged.
Seven things about me:
1. I was born in Ukraine and still love Ukrainian embroidery.
2. I start CQ last year (2007). I love CQ because I can do all my lovely things in one piece (embroidery, stitching, crochets, beads, buttons and ets).
3. I love buttons, all kinds of them.
4. I don't love to write ( in all languages).
5. I love desert and natural colors.
6. I love to learn new techniques.
7. I love to collect things for CQ, now I learn to use them.
Blogs I am tagging:
1. Judy
2. Helen
3. Dr. Mom
4. Lesa
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Progress in the work
Unfortunatly I don't found a velvet piece for the last block. I just did a border from a matching color fabric and sew on this old lace.
Do you believe in this I am still waiting for a checking my works. They don't see them jet.
This week we had a great storm with cool wind. i don't go to anywhere and finished sentral block for a David star.
I put organza folded roses , few satin roses in the sentre. Add a lot of organza leafs and a leafs from my second veaves tutorials. It' s hard to see. but it bring a great 3D effect with color plays from olive color of veaving leafs and green color of organza. Arount I stitch a leafs with tifferent colors of green, I did a few leafs from a satin ribbon. The small flowers are folded roses and different stitches roses ( rococo, spider all what I have ).I use a different ribbons in many colors. I pretty happy with a result.Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Second needlewoven leaves tutorial
It's take a time wile I published second Needlewoven leaves tutorial .
Today I want to tell you about 3D leaves that you can do without fabrics.
1. Drow the leaf on baking paper as you want and do a points in same distance on the picture. I did only points, you don't need more. You can see throw baking paper so you can make a points easly just put a pictire under paper.
2. Stitch throw paper in next directions
1 and all not even numbers from back side to right site of work .
2 and all even numbers in opposite direction from right to back side.
Remember you must keep free thread about 2 - 3 inch in point number 1. Just press thread to the paper during the first stitch with finger when you pull the tread.
You will received this on the right side
and this one on the back side. You don't have the long stitches on the back side.
3. You thread now in the up corner of the leaf go in and out to the point number 1. Don't stitch throw paper!
4. After this you do woven leaf usual way. Don't stitch throw the paper. I stitch first one side from the central line. So I can use 2 shades of green or take a second piece of the thread. I don't use the long thread. I just add the new tread always in point number 1 and keep a free piece of tread obout 2-3 inch 5. This is almoust finished leaf.You can see the threads on back side of the paper.
6. Pull the paper off . Leaf done !
You can pull the threads throw the fabric with needle or do couching stitches. It's you choise.
Happy stitching
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Works for local craft show
Friday, February 8, 2008
Needlewoven leaves tutorial
I don't wroute a lot of time. We had so bad weather. Even a snow event. Yes ! Yes ! Yes! After 8 years we have had a snow event. But one thing we don't had. We don't had enough sun lite for pictures.
Few days ago (Tuesday, February 5, 2008 ) Allison Ann Aller published a post My Work at Point Bonita. After my comments on here Needlewoven leaves she ask me about my tutorials for nedlewoven leaves using baking paper.
I love to do those tiny leaves to, but i love to use a baking paper under them. It's very easy my keep the leaves very flat and do them in the shape that I want.
1. I put a piece of baking paper on the fabric and drew the shape that I want.I use for tutorial the square shape and yarn for best looking.( See right side of the picture.)
After this I stitched the long stitches in one direction. You can do it in the directions that you want. You can do a measures with the rule for equal space between stitches. In this step you draw on the paper not on the fabric. You can stitch in the diagonal directions. After this you do woven leaves usual way. I don't stitch yarn in opposite direction through the fabric. My leaves attached to the fabric only with two sides. I just press them to the paper during the stitching with my finger when I pull the yarn.This is the finished leaf.
2. When the leaf was finished i pull off the acess paper from the stitched to the fabric side.3. Pull the paper off from one more side.
4. Pull off or push out with the scissors all paper (including the paper under leave).5. Finished leave.With the paper you always will receive very flat leaves. because the paper prevent the tightened of the fabric.
I hope you can understand my English. I will accept all suggestions.
I will try to put a pictures of another shape of leaf tomorrow .
Happy stitching
Monday, January 28, 2008
Chicken block for my friend Judyth
Judyth love the chicken. And I did for her this block.
It was a pattern from Estonian handworks magazine Kasitoo from 1986. Originally it was a childrens room curtaine pattern. I was need to do it smaller. I wasn't really happy with small version until yesterday. But I found that few green stitches and flower beads can work very well.
This block with oher things for Judyth already in the mail.
I hope she will love it.